Bali-Farkas Péter
Bilingual Program ManagerRead more: Bali-Farkas PéterPéter’s first experience with languages and intercultural communication dates back to elementary school, where he participated in the life of the German minority in his beautiful hometown of Mosonmagyaróvár. In high school he participated in numerous youth festivals and international exchanges in several European countries and the USA.
Bliszkó-Repellik Nóra
Bilingual Program CoordinatorRead more: Bliszkó-Repellik NóraNora joined the Bilingual Program team in February 2020, and is currently helping with coordinator-tasks at Óbudai Nagy László Primary School and Europa 2000 High School. She graduated as an English teacher and has over 10 years of teaching experience.
Szeghy Ágnes
Teacher TrainerRead more: Szeghy ÁgnesÁgi was born and raised in Hungary. She has a Master’s degree in Teaching English, and she also holds the Cambridge Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (DELTA).
Woynárovich Kata
Teacher TrainerRead more: Woynárovich KataAlthough Kata was born in Hungary, when she was 3 months old, her family moved to Brazil.
Benjamin Bowden
TeacherRead more: Benjamin BowdenHe is originally from West Liberty, Ohio, USA. He first fell in love with Hungary back in 2014. He came with my father to serve with a non-profit organization doing sports camps in a village about an hour away from Budapest. Ben continued to come back every summer for two weeks for the next 5…
Zahra Maxwell
TeacherRead more: Zahra MaxwellZahra grew up in East Africa and the Philippines and then moved to the United States for university.
Jerrid Young
TeacherRead more: Jerrid YoungJerrid Young, a Missouri native with a passion for learning and exploration, pursued higher education in English and Library and Information Science, later obtaining a TEFL certification to connect with diverse cultures.
Isabel Manktelow-Gray
TeacherRead more: Isabel Manktelow-GrayBorn in Winchester, Isabel moved to Bristol in 2020, where she achieved her degree in Sociology and Criminology.
Bianca Yunus
TeacherRead more: Bianca YunusBianca was born in Australia but is a Kiwi (New Zealander) at heart.
Jamine Bezuidenhout
TeacherRead more: Jamine BezuidenhoutJamine grew up in a small town called Lichtenburg, South Africa.
Széchenyi István Általános Iskola
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Széchenyi István Általános Iskola
2092 Budakeszi, Árpád fejedelem tér 1. / Knáb János utca 60.