Central team
Alan Morrice
TeacherRead more: Alan MorriceAlan is a proud Scotsman who comes from Aberdeen originally. His work brought him to the London area when he graduated in Theology from the University of Aberdeen. Having moved south he never went back to live in Scotland and after a few years working with Cambodian refugees and doing youth work, he trained to…
Anthony J. Laudadio
Head of Education – Primary & High SchoolRead more: Anthony J. LaudadioTony has been teaching in Europe and the USA for over 15 years.
Bányai Brigitta
Customer Relations ManagerRead more: Bányai BrigittaDuring her university years she taught students of all ages from kindergarten children to adults as a private tutor or language school teacher. She did her best to spend her summers in English-speaking countries and so she worked in Minneapolis, USA, at a YMCA day camp, and participated in an ESL course in southern England.…
Benő Anikó
HR – Healthcare and Equivalency SpecialistRead more: Benő AnikóAnikó joined the Bilingual team in August, 2019.
Bihariné Lukács Ágnes
Teacher TrainerRead more: Bihariné Lukács ÁgnesÁgi 1980-ban a Tanítóképző Főiskola befejezése után kezdte tanítói pályafutását az I. kerületben, ahol közel 20 évet dolgozott először iskolaotthonos 1-2.osztályban, majd 1-4. osztályban nagyfelmenő rendszerben.
Borja -Török Jaclyn
Recruitment ManagerRead more: Borja -Török JaclynJaclyn is originally from South Africa where she obtained her degree in Business Management.
Dora Kovacs
Head of Education – KindergartensRead more: Dora KovacsDora moved to Hungary from London in 1998.
Hunyadkürti Eszter
Head of OperationsRead more: Hunyadkürti EszterEszter 2019. augusztusában csatlakozott a Bilingual csapatához, Operatív Vezető munkakörben.
Janet Streeter
External Trainer & ConsultantRead more: Janet StreeterJanet has worked in many different educational settings over the past 30 years.
Nagy Judit
HR AssistantRead more: Nagy JuditJucus graduated from Eötvös Lóránd University of Science in Psychology in July 2023 and joined the Bilingual Program as an HR Assistant in August.
Schindler András
Office ManagerRead more: Schindler AndrásAndrás graduated as a geography teacher from the Faculty of Science of the Eötvös Loránd University in 2007.
Szabó Beáta
Head of Finance & AdministrationRead more: Szabó BeátaBeáta obtained her degree in Economics at the Budapest Economics University.
Szabó Rebeka
HR AssistantRead more: Szabó RebekaRebeka graduated as a tourist economist in Budapesti Metropolitan University in 2019.
Szaniszló Dávid
HR ManagerRead more: Szaniszló DávidDavid graduated from Eötvös Loránd University in 2013 where he got a degree in English Studies.
Szolnok Andrea
Event & Finance SpecialistRead more: Szolnok AndreaAndrea joined the Bilingual Program team in December 2016 as our Office Manager and Kindergarten Coordinator.
Tihanyi Szabolcs
Marketing ManagerRead more: Tihanyi SzabolcsSzabolcs joined the Bilingual Program team in April 2023 as our Marketing Manager.