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Natasha taught Math, Science and Music during her time with Bilingual, through June 2019.

Moving to Hungary and teaching with Bilingual has been my first experience teaching abroad. I can say that the Bilingual Program has really upped the standards for what an overseas teaching position should be like, especially because of the support they have offered throughout the program. Multiple of my friends have traveled abroad and talked of the wonderful experience it was. However, they also talked about the frustrations of finding places to stay, immigration issues, and support. The staff at Bilingual has been a wonderful support team. No matter the issue or problem, I have felt completely comfortable addressing and openly discussing any question with my team leader and coordinator. They really do advocate for you to try and help you have the best experience possible.

Within Bilingual you have multiple new teachers coming in alongside with you, as well as teachers returning. This built-in community is really wonderful, especially at the beginning when you are trying to find your place. The first month is definitely a bit of a shock, but once you find your routine and start to get comfortable, it becomes an everyday rhythm and you feel incredibly comfortable. As for the hours, they are normal school hours with some extra work here and there. The hours differ from what previous friends have told me they worked abroad, but it’s really nice to have an everyday routine.

Even with the great support Bilingual offers you and the community of teachers you meet, I advise anyone joining to remember that you are traveling to a foreign country and you will face challenges and multiple aspects that are different than what you’re used to. Just be incredibly open-minded and know that there are people willing to hear you out and help you through the struggle. Teaching for the first time ever, especially in a foreign country, has been a learning curve, and every week holds something new, but it’s absolutely worth it!


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