There’s Only One You – Teacher Videos

In recent years, the Bilingual Family Day has provided a good opportunity for teachers, parents, and students to get to know each other better through joint games.

This year, instead of the usual event at the beginning of the school year, the children will take part in a project throughout the school year with their teachers, in which – due to the epidemic situation – we will involve you with the help of videos.

Uncertainty has increased around the world. In such cases, it is especially beneficial if one has a healthy self-esteem and knows what they are good at. We also want to strengthen this value in children during the school year.

There’s only one you! – Belőled csak egyetlenegy van!

Let’s start with the Bilingual Program teachers! They are introduced in the short videos below.

Százszorszép Óvoda

Színes Gyerekkert Óvoda

Óbudai Nagy László Magyar-Angol Két Tanítási Nyelvű Általános Iskola

Krúdy Gyula Angol-Magyar Két Tanítási nyelvű Általános Iskola

Széchenyi István Általános Iskola

Megyeri Úti Általános Iskola

Európa 2000 Gimnázium