Pálinkás Péter
Bilingual Program ManagerRead more: Pálinkás PéterPéter joined the Bilingual Program in 2009.
Tóth Andrea
Teacher TrainerRead more: Tóth AndreaAndrea was born and raised in Hungary. However, as a child she spent most of her summer holidays in the UK with her grandparents.
Mark Taylor
TeacherRead more: Mark TaylorMark received his Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education from Erskine College in Due West, South Carolina.
Analeise Wasenius
TeacherRead more: Analeise WaseniusAnaleise is originally from Southern California but moved to Northern Alabama.
Pamila-joy King
TeacherRead more: Pamila-joy KingPamila-joy is a farm-raised adventurer hailing from South Africa’s Karoo region.
Carla Liebenberg
TeacherRead more: Carla LiebenbergCarla was born and raised in Zimbabwe, where she lived for 18 years and went to school. She and her family moved to South Africa in 2014. She completed her studies at the University of Pretoria, and obtained a Bachelor of Education with majors in English and Business Studies.
Pais Dezső Általános Iskola
There are currently no upcoming events at the institution.
Pais Dezső Általános Iskola
1038 Budapest, Pais Dezső utca 1-3.