Bilingual education High school program

The Bilingual High School Program

As of the 2024-25 school year, the Bilingual Program is available in high school at Európa 2000 High School 4-year long bilingual track. The program is available not only to students coming from the Bilingual Primary School Program, but to everyone.

The methodology applied is based on the primary school program, adjusted to the high school curriculum and to the age level of high school students. The key aspect of the Bilingual Program is CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) methodology, where language development takes place in a native English environment where language goals are embedded into subject matter content.

Our language goal is to reach level C1 – as defined in the language exams developed by the University of Cambridge – by graduation. This language level is equivalent to the Hungarian advanced level. Other than language development, our primary goal is to cultivate competences used in every walk of life. The Bilingual Program is now complete with the addition of the high school level, as one can study bilingually with native English teachers from kindergarten until graduation!


  • What curriculum does the program apply?

    The school follows the Hungarian National Curriculum, so the classes participating in the Bilingual Program are aligned to that. 

  • Do students applying from Bilingual Primary Schools receive any preferential treatment?

    Yes, they are exempt from the language level assessment.

  • What is the price of the high school program?

    The price of the high school program has two components. The price for the Bilingual Program shall be paid to the company operating the program (Bilingual Kétnyelvű Oktatási Nonprofit Kft.), and the tuition fee of the institution shall be paid to Európa 2000 High School. You can find more information about the current prices of the Bilingual Program HERE and about the tuition fee of the school HERE.

  • Where is the high school program available?

    At Európa 2000 High School. Address: 1143 Budapest, Gizella út 42-44.

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