TesThe school offers the opportunity to visit open lessons, including the co-taught and English classes of the Bilingual Program. Please be sure to register so that we can provide an adequate number of places for those interested! We kindly ask you that only one parent from the family attends a lesson. Please do not bring your child to the open lessons.
Please take into account when entering the institution, and especially during open lessons, that taking pictures, sound and video recordings, their publication, sharing and further use is not allowed in order to protect the privacy rights of students, their parents and teachers. We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation
Pais open lessons 2025.03.18.
Esemény időpontja:
Mar. 18.Kezdés:
12:00:00Esemény helyszíne:
Pais Dezső Általános Iskola, 1038 Budapest, Pais Dezső utca 1-3.