The Bilingual Program at Európa 2000 High School:
A unique opportunity that can change your child’s future.

English for the Global Stage
- Students reach Cambridge C1 and above – the ticket to working or studying abroad.
Built-in Preparation for an International Career
- Students write their first CV, hone their interview skills, and develop the academic skills they will need at university through our ISCU Program (Integrated Skills for Career and University).
- Teachers help students explore future opportunities through personalized Bilingual Guidance Counseling services.
21st Century Skills
- Students sharpen their life skills – and thinking skills – for the challenges beyond high school.
- Students benefit from an alternative digital school in an international environment – in Hungary.
Bilingual Model United Nations Club
In the Bilingual Model UN Club, students research, write proposals, and debate international issues from the perspective of United Nations members. The video below shows our students in action during a debate about the legal protection of journalists. Students make use of strong public speaking skills, speech writing, active listening, and they do it all in English!
A Student in Action
Each spring, every student in the Bilingual Program completes an interview with their English teacher. The video below contains short excerpts of one student’s journey from Grade 9 to Grade 12, showing his growth in English over the years. Levi did not live abroad, nor was he from a bilingual family. In many ways, he was an average representative of our program.
Unique Elements of our Program
Native English-speaking teachers
All Bilingual Program teachers are native speakers of English or, on occasion, balanced bilinguals. This – combined with our Active Classroom approach – guarantees that our students experience the English language not as a school subject but rather as a natural tool of communication, simply a part of everyday life.
Co-teaching – the Bilingual Family Model
A core pillar of the Bilingual Program is the Bilingual Family Model: our one-person/one-language approach of co-teaching. Within this framework, we co-teach nearly all subjects alongside our Hungarian teaching partners, offering ample opportunity to the children for code-switching through frequent shifts in focus from teacher to teacher, all with an even distribution of time in each language with no repetition and no translation.
Bilingual Reading Program
Reading will continue to be a vital skill for leaders of the future. To prepare students for the longer and more complex texts that they will encounter in their adult lives, our Reading Program features original, unabridged, English-language literature that meets the interests of today’s youth.
1-2-1 Sessions
Students reap the rewards of weekly 1-2-1 sessions with their English teachers. These are short, personalized sessions boost confidence, address individual needs and accelerate progress. where they have the chance to address the progress of the student, their individual needs, and, oftentimes, boost their confidence.
Study Support
Students can also join Study Support sessions in English for additional support in subjects such as mathematics, biology, geography, and history.

Are there any entrance requirements?
The general entrance requirements are according to the entrance procedure of Európa 2000 High School. Information about the entrance procedure of Európa 2000 High School.
The students take written and oral placement tests to assess their language level.
What curriculum does the program apply?
The school follows the Hungarian National Curriculum, so the classes participating in the Bilingual Program are aligned to that.
Do students applying from Bilingual Primary Schools receive any preferential treatment?
Yes, they are exempt from the language level assessment.
What is the price of the high school program?
The price of the high school program has two components. The price for the Bilingual Program shall be paid to the company operating the program (Bilingual Kétnyelvű Oktatási Nonprofit Kft.), and the tuition fee of the institution shall be paid to Európa 2000 High School. You can find more information about the current prices of the Bilingual Program HERE and about the tuition fee of the school HERE.
Where is the high school program available?
At Európa 2000 High School. Address: 1143 Budapest, Gizella út 42-44.