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Jake taught History and English during his two years with Bilingual through June 2019.

The Bilingual Program has been an incredible experience for me. I have loved teaching for years now but Bilingual is special. The methodology the program lives by, combined with a wide support network that helped integrate me not only with the school but also with the city, has been so refreshing compared to other schools. As a teacher I was able to work closely with a Hungarian counterpart to create truly unique material to let students learn both their subject material and English. I believe that building a community is a vital part of making a successful school environment; Bilingual fosters this with the teachers through impromptu events and with the students through camps, after-school events, and tutorials where we get to see kids in a more relaxed setting, so we can build strong relationships.

I moved to Hungary because I was interested in teaching abroad for a year to both gain valuable teaching experience as well as to attain a little bit of worldliness by experiencing another culture. Initially I didn’t expect to spend more than a year before going back to the United States. However, as I spent more time in the program I found the thought of leaving unbearable. I had projects I wanted to do with the students and goals I wanted to see them reach. Bilingual is a truly unique method of immersive learning; I have seen first-hand that it works for any kind of student.

If you like having an exciting job which allows you to try all sorts of different skills and new opportunities, then Bilingual is the choice for you.


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