News Digitális Pillanatképek – 2021 Március

Digitális Pillanatképek – 2021 Március

Budakeszi – 1a

During online teaching we’re been learning about parts of the face: face, hair, nose, eyes, mouth, teeth, and ears. We’ve also practiced describing parts of the face as big or little. Here are some photos of a guided drawing we did during class to practice our listening skills.

Budakeszi – 1b

Váradi 3b Számítástechnika

We started the lesson with a “Spot the Difference” activity. The pictures are from Miss Ruth’s home office. The students had to describe what is different between the photos. It helped us to review the vocabulary from IT class (ie laptop, printer, mouse, tablet, headphones).

Váradi 7a Matematika

Today in math we reviewed the topic of geometry. First Nóra néni reviewed the important definitions in Hungarian, and then Miss Ruth followed with a Jamboard activity. Starting with pictures of Euclid’s Five Axioms, the students were tasked with adding vocabulary terms in English to the board.

Váradi 3b Ének-zene

Váradi 3b Matematika

Európa 2000 Gimnázium – Történelem