The following 12 children from my class participated in the SuperTMatik competition. It was a competition done via an app. They went through various stages competing against time limits and robots. In the Final stage they competed against children from all over the world and had to complete 15 math equations in the quickest time they could with only 3 attempts. I could not be prouder of these 12 children and their results. Out of 20 440 participants we had 3 placing in the top 100 and 7 in the 100s and 2 in the 200s.
Ennath Rayan
Felföldi Márton
Hankó Milán Márk
Juhász Eszter
Koronics Patrik Márk
László Rebeka Janka
Nagy Orsolya
Oláh Nóra
Oláh Tamás
Szobota Ábel
Tóth-Czirfusz Vilmos
Yolchuyev Atilla
Ms. Kelsey Becker