The Erasmus+ Digital Exchange Program ended with an award ceremony last Friday (October 8, 2021). The Hungarian project week was organized by the Bilingual Program along with our partners, KSG Apeldoorn high school from the Netherlands and Sv. Kliment Ohridski high school in North Macedonia.

You can watch the closing speech and the award ceremony in the video below:

A total of 141 students participated in the project week. They were divided into international groups of 7 students, where the goal was to create a video game. The playful theme motivated the children, while the project work required high-level use of the following skills:

  • Through cooperative teamwork international groups  worked together in bringing 3 different areas (coding, sound editing, graphic work) into a cohesive final product.

  • Sharing and dividing the workload was also necessary as creating the video game was a week-long task for the whole team.

  • The students also needed to master the technical knowledge required for algorithmic design, sound editing, and graphic work.

  • Throughout the week, all the work was done in English, on online platforms. It was obvious that the students were comfortable in both environments.

These are all valuable skills that are in line with the educational and labor market requirements of the 21st century, and participants can utilize them both in further school years and later in their work lives.

The final video games were evaluated in 4 categories by the teaching staff of the project week. The games can be tried out by clicking on the titles:

The best game

National Minigames

Group 20

Rebecca Huszár, Vanda of Aradvár, Emma Louise Kelly, Tijay Zijderveld, Senne van Zoeren, Dafina Razmoska, Andrej Janeski, Nina Risteska

The main aspects of the evaluation were the overall picture, the completion of the game, and the application of creative solutions. Each member of the winning team will receive 3 months’ premium access to Skillshare, a service that features online courses.

With respect to the special prizes, we evaluated the creative and unique visual and audio implementation, as well as the most active participation. Each member of the special prize group will receive an ebook prize:

Best Sound award

The Temple of Mysteries

Group 15

Veisz Blanka, Korkin Arsenii, Rácz Emma, ​​Tessa Klopman, Luuk Mensink, Elena Petreska, Mihail Mitreski

Best Graphics award

Rescue Remedy

Group 17

Lyam Raup Rigonan, Makó Ajsa, Pazsitka Neszta, Melisa Yigit, Max de Vries, Ana Vidovska, Bojana Cvetkoska

Best Participation award

Baseball Game

Group 1

Ádám Viktória, Bartók Márton, Chon Joo Chan, Annika Borsoi, Anna Bos, Nadica Naumoska, Marija Stojkovska

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all the students for participating! The next project week will take place in the spring semester and will be organized by our North Macedonian partner!