As the final project of the forest life unit, Krúdy’s 4.a class put their knowledge to work by creating shoebox dioramas. Students were given approximately two weeks to create detailed and informative representations of a temperate forest environment, highlighting the various levels and specific flora and fauna. The dioramas had to have each level labeled and include one unique animal or plant for each, but students went above and beyond crafting marvelous pieces that showed a wide variety of organisms.

To show off their projects and assess their knowledge, the class held an American-style science fair, where students could present their projects to one another and their teachers, demonstrating their understanding and English language capabilities. The fair was conducted in two rotations, with half the class viewing and the other half presenting.

The students were very enthusiastic participants and enjoyed the chance to vote for their favorite projects: most creative, best animals, and best presentation. Formally, the dioramas were assessed using a rubric measuring scientific accuracy, creativity, and presentation.

As their teacher, it was clear to me how much they enjoyed the project and how excited they were to share their work with others. Usually, presentations fill students with dread, but the fair environment allowed students to relax and enjoy the experience of sharing their knowledge. I am incredibly proud of their hard work, dedication, and enthusiasm.

Carolyn Claypoole